Reduce our carbon footprint

Wednesday 04 September 2019
19:45 to 21:00

Join our meeting to learn more about what HUG different groups do. This time we are lucky to have Siohban Oktay and Effie Lochrane from Richmond council joining us Richmond Council has committed to becoming a council that takes robust action to tackle the local and global threat of climate change, both internally and in partnership with local organisations and residents, and to minimise its environmental impact by cutting carbon, waste and pollution” And they have asked if we are interested in helping with engaging with new audiences. HUG’s different groups are already committed to work for a sustainable future and reduce our impact on the environment. As we start up the autumn activates, this is an opportunity to discuss how we can reach out to new people, community cohesion essential in success of reducing our carbon footprint, both locally and global. To see the whole agenda please follow this link Arrive for 7.45 pm for tea and coffee. Meeting starts at 8 pm For more information about Ham united group, HUG please see our website

Contact Ham United Group
Ham Library, Ham street
TW10 7HR
(view map)
Cost free