Ham Lands Flora

What was once gravel pits has become a rich variety of flora thanks to the different infill soils used when the pits were filled. This created different habitats, mainly woodland, scrub, grassland and wetlands, that contain a diversity of plants, including numerous rare species that are hard to find in London. There are meadow wildflowers that attract bees and butterflies and the reserve is teaming with bird life.

For more information specific groups of plants, see the plant list, they are under construction, so we will add on items continuously.

Click Here to get a checklist for the wildflower that can be found on Ham lands

And here is a list with the common names

Fact Sheets

Onions: this is one of the most interesting groups of plants found on Ham Lands.

Legumes: there is a surprising number of different kinds of leguminous plants on the Ham Lands. Several species are uncommon or rare in the London area and many are attractive.

Cherry Plum: notes for self-guided walk.

Lichens: notes for self-guided walk.