Paving the Road

A new laptop was donated to the comunity. It seemed to have some sort of hard drive failure. I checked with two different diagnositic software (SMART). Seems to confirm that the Hard drive (HDD) is not broken yet but is about to fail

I was able to record some of the data. I have removed the hard drive to ask around how much it would cost.


I seem to recall it was a PATA. So it might be difficult to find a subsitute. I say this because I just found out that PATA is a type of hardware but that the new type is SATA. 


In other news I can confirm that I will not be able to make it on Tuesday the 20th


6 of November 2012 it seems to be going fine

I took several pictures and documented most of the procedure as I am typing this I am installing Xubuntu 12.04. I would have installed Trisquel, but alas! I forgot to burn a CD and this was the next best thing. 

I did not install the 3rd party software (i.e. propietary) so at least some of the freedoms are respected. 

If you have followed the twitter feed you might have noticed that I got the internet to work in little house.


Some images can be seen in HUG's foto album


13 of November 2012 some web over haul and installing an OS

Hello All, I have not commented what I was upto durring the past week. I just learnt a bit as to how the HUG website handles RSS feeds and I have now added a Twitter and feed to the website. Doing the RSS feed for is dead easy since the guys behind support it. Doing it for twitter involved a bit of googling. Seems you have to use:

In the main page for computer DIY I have kept the feed even though I can not update it that often for the moment. But I hope to learn how in the near future.

Other changes is I have added a bit more text to the introduction. A bit too much. And a bit too many images so I will have to work on that later.

At the moment I plan to install trisquel-mini on the Toshiba satellite and work a bit on the website until someone tells me other wise.

Scratch that. I tried trisquel mini but then opted for Normal Trisquel after I ran into a hiccup. Works like a charm and boots in seconds.