Hello, and wellcome new members!
Association help
Neighbourhood Forum
Justine came by and several members of the Kings of Hack gave her some guidance as to how to update the wordpress website and add a little widget to the website that will have the pictures uploaded from meetings to scroll. Have a look here!
Ham Hydro
Chas came by to check up the website. It seems that the twitter feed was not working and with the help of P. from the Kings of Hack he was able to pin it down to the phb version being not high enough for the widget that shows the twitter feed.
Also he added a cookie warning.
Meeting minutes
Uploaded meeting minutes (after transforming them to pdf with Abiword).
Automatic irrigation system
Thanks to Jean we got hold of a fountain pump but it did not seem to work. V. (Kings of Hack) showed us a cool way to find out if a fuse is working or if it is blown with a 9V battery. You take the fuse and put it on one of the sides of the 9V battery (for example the plus) and with your tongue you touch the fuse and the other side of the 9V battery (the negative in this example), if you get as sting as you would with a fuseless battery it means that the fuse is working.
P. who joined us on the last day of July had already done a high tech irrication system for his home so we have someone that can help us out.
one two one
Replacing a mobile phone screen
Following some tutorials on the web here, here and here. Buying some cheap tools (1.90 pounds) and a screen replacement for 23 pounds it was a little tricky but not too dificult. The tricky part is assembling back toguether as the video had to be played backwords most of the times.
Web page
Added the Kings of Hack RSS feed to the web site.
Maintaince of this web page
Changed the web site and made the events calender directly accesable.
Added the Kings of Hack RSS feed to the web site.
Kings of Hack
http://www.meetup.com/KingsofHack/ and http://www.kingsofhack.dreamhosters.com/
Most members had agreed to come back! We have some great plans. Also we tidied up theplace a bit and we set up a shelf for our stuff.