Green Screen film - Hungry for Change screening

Thursday 15 January 2015
18:30 to 22:00

A documentary that challenges the myths perpetuated by the weight loss industry and shows how to develop a healthy, lifelong diet. Processed food has become a multi-billion pound industry, but the price you pay for convenience is your health and vitality. Hungry For Change exposes the dark side of the food industry's marketing plan. Food for Thought’s nutrition expert Alan Martin will take questions after the film, which will be followed by a discussion.


Light refreshments including free superfood popcorn, soft drinks, tea, coffee and Bon Pom hot chocolate. All welcome


Facebook: hamgreenscreen

Contact Danielle Coleman
0208 948 2117
Food for Thought, 38 Market Place
Kingston upon Thames
(view map)
Cost Free entry - donations welcome to help cover costs.