I am very excited about the fact that HUG has been selected by University College London's Chorley Institute to take part in its latest air quality monitoring project. The Institute has run previous highly influential air quality projects (for instance, in Putney, the results of the project motivated TfL to use hybrid buses on the high street). The philosophy behind it is 'citizen science' - in other words, residents of an area become involved in running the monitoring itself and in presenting the results to the community. The project page is http://mappingforchange.org.uk/projects/citizen-science-used-to-map-community-air-quality/
Here in Ham & Petersham, HUG has worked with 7 volunteers on the project - many thanks to all who helped. The 32 tubes were installed and only one went missing over the four-week period of monitoring. They are now back with UCL and we await the results with anticipation!